How do I upload material for a module?
- Log in to the SMSTC website.
- Go to "My SMSTC".
- Under "My current modules" you will find links to the modules you are currently teaching on.
- Click through to the module page.
- Go to the "Resources" tab.
- (Optional:) To add a new category of material (e.g. "Lecture notes" or "Lecture slides"), click "Add category". (Only module leaders / theme heads will normally need to do this.)
- To add a file, click "Add file" under the appropriate category and enter the information required.
NB. Please see the Guidelines for lecturers, module leaders and theme heads [] about file naming conventions.
Related questions
- How do I download assignments for marking?
- How do I upload the final grades for a module?
- How do I upload grades / marks and feedback?
- How do I contact the students on a module?
- How do I update the module staff?
- How do I update the module description?
- How do I set an assignment?
- How do I update my account or personal information?
- How do I access the online classes as a lecturer?