SMSTC: Scottish Mathematical Sciences Training Centre

Welcome / Fàilte

Welcome to the website of the Scottish Mathematical Sciences Training Centre (SMSTC), a consortium of mathematical sciences departments in Scotland.

SMSTC's prime aim is to provide high-quality broad training in fundamental areas of mathematics and statistics for beginning PhD students at a level comparable to that of first-year PhD courses in North America or mainland Europe. Teaching is by video-conference lectures in two semesters, from October to March, as shown in our timetable. There are sixteen 10-week core modules (organised in four themes) plus a varying number of supplementary modules. The about us page has more information on SMSTC.

If you are a prospective student who would like some further information on SMSTC, you may find our notes for students a helpful starting point. Staff members may also find these notes helpful.

We welcome participating PhD students from any place and discipline (provided you meet the pre-requisites). Contact us for information on how to register and registration fees.

SMSTC is one of the UK's six mathematical sciences Taught Course Centres (TCCs).

For occasional updates and other information, please see our Twitter feed: @ScotMathSciTC.

Our partner universities


We are grateful for financial support from the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Learning and Research Support Fund.