Functional Analysis
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Module Overview: Functional Analysis
This module covers the following topics:
- Banach and Hilbert spaces
- Linear operators and linear functionals
- Fundamental theorems: Baire Category, Open Mapping, Uniform Boundedness Principle,...
- Weak and weak* topologies
- Operator topologies
- Convexity and the Krein-Milman Theorem
- The Banach-Stone Theorem
- The Markov-Kakutani Theorem
- General spectral theory: Banach algebras, Spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators
- Commutative C*-algebras – Gelfand’s theory
Weekly Preparation
Students should read and study the lecture notes prior to the lecture time and come prepared to discuss and ask questions about topics covered in the notes.
This module is assessed in two take-home assignments with three questions per assignment:
Assignment 1
Released: 5:30 PM on Wednesday 19 February [Week 6]
Due: 11:59 PM on Friday 28 February
Assignment 2
Released: 5:30 PM on Wednesday 19 March [Week 10, last lecture]
Due: 11:59 PM on Friday 28 March
- Undergraduate analysis: Sequences, series, pointwise and uniform convergence
- Metric space topology: At least in Rd, continuity of functions, open, closed and compact sets
- Countable sets
- Some of the examples from the module will draw upon knowledge from the first semester module 'Measure and Integration', so some familiarity with measure theory will be useful to get the most out of the module. However explicit use of measure theory will not be required in the assessments.
Resources (recommended by KH)
- Chapters 2-5 in Rudin’s Real and Complex Analysis
- Chapters 1-4 in Stein & Shakarchi’s Real Analysis and Functional Analysis books (books III and IV in their Princeton Lecture Series in Analysis)
- Chapters 1-6 in Arbogast & Bona’s ‘M383C notes’ Methods of Applied Mathematics. See also Debray’s write-up of semester 1
- Chapters 1, 3 & 4 in Klainerman’s PDEs notes