Conformal Field Theory and Vertex Operator Algebras


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This course is an introduction to two-dimensional conformal field theory. 

This is a well-developed branch of mathematical physics with many connections to 

other  topics in mathematics such as infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, 

modular tensor categories and theory of modular forms. The course aims at a thorough exposition 

of the main structure  that includes conformal geometry on the (extended) complex 

plain, correlation functions, Ward identities, radial quantisation, operator product expansion, Virasoro algebra and conformal families. 

The emphasis in the course is on the conceptual clarity rather than on the breadth of examples and 

connections. It also aims at developing the basic computational skills in performing operator product expansions and those related to 

 Virasoro algebra representations. A detailed set of notes will be provided along with suggestions for complementary reading.